CTP Forms

CTP Forms

The forms listed below are available to download by clicking on each button, they provide detailed information about ADRA’s Community Transformation Partnerships. If you are looking for a broader perspective about our CTP projects, please click here.

The CTP Handbook provides detailed information about each of the ‘My Family’ projects as well as helpful advice about how to best identify a need in your community and the application process. It is recommended that everyone who wishes to apply should first read through the CTP Handbook.

This document provides exclusions and inclusions of CTP funding and also includes submission dates for applications.

The CTP application is in a word document format, it is intended for people wanting to apply for CTP funding to be completed and submitted back to ADRA for approval. 

All projects that are approved are expected to complete a Project Interim Report during the middle of the project. 

All projects that are approved are also expected to complete a Project Completion Report after completion of the project.


The following Appendicies are designed to help you design your CTP application. Please refer to the CTP Handbook for further information on how to use these.

Asset-based Strategies for Faith Communities

Skills Inventory Assessment (Detailed)

Skills Inventory Assessment (Simple)

Asset Mapping Workbook

Relationship or Partnership Mapping Template

Root Cause Analysis Tool