Community Projects
Community Transformation Partnerships
Our dream for New Zealand is to see every church actively engaging in the needs of their communities. In order to support churches and organisations who want to address a need within their community, we have established Community Transformation Partnerships.
If you’re already involved in a CTP project and are wanting resources and support from ADRA, please click the button below:
Our Vision for New Zealand:
Learn More
Understanding CTP
The Community Transformation Partnerships programme allows ADRA to partner with your church/organisation to provide funding and provide supporting in designing a community project that helps a specific community need.
Your church/organisation will decide how you want to support your community. This can be done through a pre-designed ‘My Family’ initiative or through an ‘Innovations’ initative.
An ‘Innovations’ initiative allows you to create a community project, for example you could have a project where you provide a meal to vulnerable members of your community once a week.
A ‘My Family’ initiative is a pre-designed programme for you to run in your community. Each option is listed below:
- Toolbox parenting group: A course designed to help parents in your community be the best parents they can be.
- Pasifika Parenting: Catered specifically to pasifika communities, a course about parenting.
- Welcome Baby: A clothing library to provide baby clothes and other newborn essentials to new mums in need of support.
- My Money: A family budgeting course that helps people learn good financial skills.
- Pathways: A Community Driving programme that helps people get their drivers license.
- Depression and Anxiety Recovery Programme: a programme designed to help people who are struggling with depression and/or anxiety.
- Invictus: A Youth Mentoring programme designed to help youth grow into resilient adults,
Before deciding on a project, consider the real needs of your community and the strengths and capacity of your church volunteers who will be helping to run the project.
Our funding works through a partnership model. In general ADRA, the local conference and the local church will make an equal financial investment, with ADRA being the administrator and providing the main support for initiative implementation. For example, if your project costs $9,000, the local church, ADRA, and the local conference will provide $3,000 each. ADRA and the local conference portion will be provided once your application is approved.
Please carefully read through the funding criteria guidelines, once this has been done and a decision has been made, fill in and submit an application. For further support about the application process, please contact the team at ADRA.
Funding Criteria Guidelines
CTP Application
Further supporting documents can be found by clicking on the link below:
CTP Forms
If you’re interested in applying and would like to learn more, we would encourage you to attend one of our free champion workshops. Please contact us, to find where and when the next champion workshop is.
There are still funding opportunities available for anyone that wants to make a difference in a New Zealand community. As a Tindall Foundation local donation manager, ADRA can provide support for you to apply for funding. We would encourage you to learn more about what Tindall funding is used for, before submitting a Tindall Funding form.
Available Projects
We have a range of ready-made projects you can apply for.
Each Toolbox course is designed around core concepts. The same concepts are introduced and unpacked in each of the three courses.
• Session One — The Foundation of Love
• Session Two — Parents
• Session Three — Stronger, Deeper, Closer
• Session Four — Heart-led Parenting
• Session Five — Loving Discipline
• Session Six — Putting it all together
Baby and toddler years (0-4)
In six sessions, typically run over six weeks, the Baby and toddler years Toolbox will support you to develop a strong and loving bond with your child, and lay some good foundations for the rest of their lives. The Baby and toddler years Toolbox covers a range of topics, including the importance of love and connection, different parenting styles, understanding your child and their big feelings, discipline, boundaries, play and lots more.
Primary years (5-9)
In six sessions, typically run over six weeks, the Primary years Toolbox will support you to develop a strong and loving bond with your child, and build your confidence as a parent/caregiver. This Toolbox covers a range of topics, including the importance of love and connection, different parenting styles, understanding your child and their big feelings, discipline, boundaries, play and lots more.
Teenage years (13-18)
In six sessions, typically run over six weeks, the Teen years Toolbox will support you on your journey of letting go and handing over some of the controls as your young person learns to fly solo. Although the teen years can be challenging, they can also be some of the best years of your life – and theirs! Toolbox covers a range of topics, including the importance of love and connection, different parenting styles, understanding your teenager and their big feelings, discipline, boundaries and lots more.
Building Awesome Whānau
Building Awesome Whānau draws on the wisdom of mātauranga Māori and the best of Toolbox to offer you and your family a kaupapa that is unique to Aotearoa. Designed for whānau raising children aged 0-12, this course can be delivered over a number of weeks, or as a wānanga (facilitator dependent).
Some familiar faces have helped us to create this resource so it’s packed full of great ideas, positive stories from parents still on the journey with their own tamariki and practical ideas to help you. Your facilitator will draw on the wealth of wisdom and experiences present in the group, and weave that together with all that is Building Awesome Whānau, so that you are supported and encouraged as you awhi (nurture) and build your awesome whānau.
To get started the local church can nominate two or three suitable church members to be trained as facilitators. Having church volunteers trained as facilitators ensures deeper and longer-lasting connections between
participants and the local church. The role of a facilitator is to keep each session flowing smoothly and help participants to engage with the programme material. Facilitators are trained and supported by Parenting Place Coordinators, who are based in many locations across New Zealand.
The cost of running an initiative with an average of 15 participants is $5,000. This cost includes training for 3 facilitators, professional signage, community advertising and flyers, branded uniforms for the church facilitators, and course material for all participants.
Cost breakdown:
ADRA $1,667
Conference Office $1,667
Local Church $1,666
TOTAL $5,000
Pasifika parenting presents a one-off workshop especially for pacific families, helping them understand the four main things kids need at home:
L – Loved
U – Understood
V – Valued
S – Safe
Pasifika Parenting – LUVS the way.
Presented by Nick Tuitasi, it tackles some of the issues facing PI people adjusting to family life in New Zealand. Nick was raised in the Auckland Pacific Island community. After a long career with the Police, the Ministry of Social Development and currently with Te Wananga o Aotearoa, Nick has developed a series of events for Pacific parents for various organisations.
Nick’s insight into the New Zealand Pacific community, combined with his wisdom and knowledge of family life, makes him an ideal presenter. Lots of humour and stories relax the audience and makes the learning fun!
Costs for Pasifika Families events vary on location and the number of presentations. If a church is interested in either of the presentations, please contact [email protected]
The Welcome Baby initiative connects vulnerable families with supportive volunteers, and provides baby clothes for their child’s first year of life along with other parenting information. The initiative should be implemented in partnership with an organisation/s connected to mothers or families in need i.e. the maternity ward at the local hospital, other providers of post-natal and social
services. Every family involved in the initiative will receive the following:
• A clothing pack catered specifically for newborns, 000, 00, 0. These packs are to be returned and replaced with the next size up every 3 months. There are additional packs for premature babies and 12 month old infants.
• Church packs include mother care bags, knitted garments, blankets and a selection of pre-loved clothes.
These may be distributed at any time during the initiative as specific needs arise.
• A care/food pack or Sanitarium Health Food voucher.
• Information on parenting services.
• Information on community events at the local church (such as a playgroup or exercise group)
• A contact card so the mother can stay in touch with key people from your local church who are involved in the programme.
All of the standard clothing packs are sourced from brand new clothes purchased by ADRA NZ specifically for the Welcome Baby initiative. The range, type and style of clothes may vary depending on availability at the time of purchase or the specific season.
Each Welcome Baby initiative will receive up to 40 clothes packs each with a value of $300. Additional items can be added to the packs by the church e.g. knitted wear, baby hygiene supplies, toys.
In addition to the clothes pack, a care/food pack, or the equivalent value in vouchers, will also be distributed.
Often-times mothers of newborns due to lack of time and stress suffer from poor nutrition. This food pack is to ensure that each mother involved in the programme can start their day with a nutritious high energy meal.
While it is not essential it is recommended that this initiative be linked to a Parenting Toolbox programme or a local early childhood centre/playgroup that has children aged 0-3 years.
While the supply of clothing is meeting the welfare needs of the family there is an equally important feature of this programme and that is establishing relationship with a mother or a family at an extremely vulnerable time in the life of the baby. It is the development of this connection that will become an important platform for this programme.
To establish this initiative a local church needs to:
• Appoint a coordinator and at least two support people.
• Liaise with a local hospital maternity ward, WINZ and local ECE/playgroups as well as local social services to inform them of your programme. Brochures are available from ADRA for this purpose.
• Access ADRA New Zealand’s clothes and food packs.
• Collect relevant leaflets and information from baby support groups such as CYFS, WINZ and others that can be put in the bag for the new mother
• Distribute the clothing packs for the various ages, with suitable ADRA and Church branding on the packs
• Create a contact card that allows the mother to contact Welcome baby for more information/support or clothes via phone, email or text.
Example of a clothes pack for a newborn child. Total value $300.
• Disposal nappies
• Tee shirts
• Bibs
• Bodysuits
• Stretch and grow
• Singlets
• Hats
• Socks
• Jackets
• Romper sets
• Dresses
• Parenting book or resources
• Contact card to exchange for bigger clothes as baby grows
In addition to the 40 boxes of baby clothes there are supplementary boxes that contain Knitwear sourced from local knitting groups and Pre-loved garments donated from supporting donors. The cuddle rugs and cot blankets are packed separately and distributed on an “as needed” basis.
The cost of running an initiative with an 40 clothes packs being distributed throughout the year is $12,000. This cost also includes professional signage, branded boxes packed with age appropriate garments, information brochures and branded contact cards among other items and service expenses.
Cost breakdown:
ADRA $6,000
Conference Office $3,000
Local Church $3,000
TOTAL $12,000
My Money is a joint initiative between Te Ara Ahunga Ora (Retirement Commission) and ADRA. These initiatives give participants the opportunity to learn life-lasting financial management skills. The training programme is suitable for anyone, people on low or high incomes, couples, sole parents, families, self-employed or preparing
for retirement.
Increase the financial capability of your community with our community programmes. These are 6-8 week courses
where facilitators cover a number of topics each week. Designed to get your community up to speed with personal finance and money management. The initiative is delivered in various options. We can also tailor the programmes to your unique needs.
Get Sorted
A series of six 2-hour seminars or a 2-day course. This series will take you on a journey to a financially sorted life — get further ahead and have your money work for you.
- Money Mind
• Financial past and future
• Money personalities
• Action plans - Spending
• Spending goals
• Spending plans
• Money systems
• Staying on track - Retirement & KiwiSaver
• Retirement goals and planning
• KiwiSaver calculator
• Finding the right fund - Debt
• Debt and me
• Net worth
• How do I assess my debt? - Protect
• Emergency Funds
• Wills and power of attorney
• Looking further forward - Intro to Investing
• Compound interest
• Types of investments
• Investment styles
• Getting advice
Includes running of Get Sorted for up to 20 participants. This cost includes professional signage (where appropriate), community advertising and flyers, and course materials for all participants.
Cost breakdown:
ADRA $3,000
Conference Office $1,500
Local Church $1,500
TOTAL $6,000
Get Ahead
A series of 2-hour seminars over eight weeks.
Designed to help you gain confidence and take control over your finances. Sort your money, tackle that debt and
look at pathways to housing.
- Pathway to housing
• Pathways to owning a home
• Financing a home - Spending beliefs
• Needs vs wants
• Spending diaries - Money plans
• Setting up a plan that works
• Know your key numbers - Motivations and money systems
• What do I want for my future?
• Money goals - Debt and your rights
• Debt strategies
• Contracts and lenders - Save smart
• Savings strategies
• Investing basics - Plan for the unexpected
• Insurance
• Wills and power of attorney - Looking ahead
• Building a financial plan
• The way forward
Includes running of Get Sorted for up to 20 participants. This cost includes professional signage (where appropriate), community advertising and flyers, and course materials for all participants.
Cost breakdown:
ADRA $3,500
Conference Office $1,750
Local Church $1,750
TOTAL $7,000
Money Bites
1-hour webinar or seminar per topic.
Have the full series delivered or pick and choose the topics you need.
This series is designed as a conversation kick-starter and motivator to take action. The focus is on taking steps towards improved financial wellbeing based on what’s important.
- Money Mind
Use awareness of your money mind when making financial decisions.
• Financial past and future
• Money beliefs
• Financial decision making
• Setting goals - Spending
Develop a budget based on goals and spending habit insights.
• Spending trackers
• Money systems
• Spending plants
• Staying on track - KiwiSaver & Retirement
Set up or maximise existing retirement savings strategies to suit
your situation.
• Retirement goals
• KiwiSaver calculator
• Retirement Planner - Debt
Use Sorted debt tools to understand the true cost of debt.
• Debt attitudes
• Strategies to pay off debt
• Productive vs. unproductive debt - Protect
Review options for protecting our people, our money and our stuff.
• Emergency funds
• Insurance
• Wills
• Power of attorney - Intro to investing
Develop saving and investing strategy to suit your life and goals.
• Compound interest
• Types of investments
• What’s the risk?
• Grow your money - Frauds & Scams
Understand the prevalence and risks around frauds and scams.
• Scammer’s tactics
• Common scams
• Where to get help
Get Started
2.5 hour webinar or seminar.
This seminar covers key tips and tricks to build financial skills for beginners in financial capability.
• Money attitudes
• Spending diaries
• Budgeting and money systems
• Goal setting
• Emergency funds
• Compounding interest
• True cost of credit
• Types of insurance
Sorted Women
2-hour webinar or seminar.
This seminar highlights the unique situations women face in managing money. Women will come away feeling confident to take action to secure their financial futures.
• Strategies to talk about money
• Financial decision making
• Retirement planning
• Investing
Cost for Money Bites, Get Started and Sorted Women vary on location and number of presentations. If you are interested in any of these presentations, please contact [email protected] to discuss options.
Approximately 70% of jobs require a current driver’s license. This eliminates a huge number of opportunities for youth and those without a licence. Pathways is our way of helping people get theirs and opening up more opportunities to assist them and their families.
Pathways is aimed at predominantly youth 16 – 24 years old (but not limited to). It’s to assist participants to gain the knowledge and skills required to obtain their licence. The programme can be run by your local church.
The programme includes a number of resources and benefits to assist the participants towards being able to drive independently. This will not only increase their chances with job opportunities but ensure that we are developing safe drivers on our roads and in our communities.
The programme has two options and includes the following:
Option 1 – Pathways Learners Licence Workshop/Course only
• One off learners licence workshop* or Learners online course (12 spaces)
• Payment of x 1 Learner licence test fee per participant
• 3 free driving lessons per participant to assist with practising towards their restricted licence
Option 2 – Full Pathways Programme
For Learners licence Participants (15 spaces)
• Access to the fast online learner licence course resource which includes unlimited mock tests or one off workshop (dependant on option chosen)
• Payment of x 1 Learner licence test fee
• 3 free driving lessons to assist with practising towards their restricted licence
For Restricted licence Participants (15 spaces)
• Professional driving lessons x5
• Payment of x1 Restricted licence test fee
• Payment of x1 Defensive driving course
Through the Community Transformation Programme, the costs are split three ways. The cost includes professional signage, branded uniform for the church facilitators, course material for all participants and a budget for refreshments.
Cost breakdown:
Option 1 – Pathways Learners Workshop/Course
ADRA $2,500
Conference Office $1,250
Local Church $1,250
TOTAL $5,000
Option 2 – Full Pathways Programme
ADRA $6,000
Conference Office $3,000
Local Church $3,000
TOTAL $12,000
* Workshop only available in Auckland, outside Auckland the same content is available via an online course.
Invictus Wellbeing Program is a long-term multimodal wellbeing experience that can be integrated into a school over one or four years. Students are given a lived experience of positive psychology, combined with ongoing outdoor education and regular memory events that have been custom made in order for students to
harness skills and ways of thinking that will promote resilience and wellbeing for the rest of their lives.
The program is built around four elements: Network, Master, Journey and Serve – each thoughtfully created to cover a wide range of issues and build the global competencies of the future. A full curriculum including lesson plans, online resources and event descriptions make it straight forward for teachers and facilitators to deliver the
The content draws on the research of Dr Martin Seligman (Positive Psychology) and a number of other leading academics, ensuring that the framework is evidence-based and philosophically robust. It combines outdoor education, skill mastery, soft skill acquisition and service learning to encourage participants to develop
the type of outlook that enables them to live lives defined by self-confidence, curiosity, empathy and compassion.
During each element, students are invited to take part in a significant memory event that epitomises the life lessons learnt in the corresponding segment of the curriculum.
Two options through CTP:
1. Classic – 1 year
2. Extended – 4 years (can be condensed to 2)
Costs for the Invictus Wellbeing programme varies the number of participants and also the budget involved for the various components such as the memory events. If a church is interested, please contact [email protected]
Please note: If you want to run a youth mentoring and resilience initiative you have developed, you can still apply for funding through our Innovations fund.
In partnership with Adventist Health Ministries (AHM) Depression and Anxiety Recovery Programme (DARP) is one of two church and community wellness initiatives available through the CTP. The vision is to see all communities gain optimal health through a comprehensive health ministry, delivered by an optimally well church community.
This initiative has helped thousands of people around the world to improve and achieve better mental health. Many people have been able to eliminate depression and/or anxiety by following the proven principles of this programme.
The programme provides mental health education in a comprehensive way that deals with the core issues that cause and are associated with depression and anxiety.
For eight weeks each participant will learn about the following:
1. How to improve your brain
2. Lifestyle therapies for depression and anxiety
3. Nutrition for the brain
4. How thinking can defeat depression and anxiety
5. Making and staying with positive lifestyle choices
6. Stress without distress
7. Overcoming loss
8. Enhancing frontal lobe function
It is essential that you have at least one trained DARP Associate Director and 2 facilitators to run this programme. If your church does not already have these 3 trainers, an initial investment of $2,000 will have to be added to the cost of the first DARP training. The same facilitators and associate director could run subsequent trainings without this cost. ADRA and AHM will then organise the training of these trainers.
Cost breakdown based on up to 10 participants**:
ADRA/AHM $1,500
Conference Office $1,500
Local Church $1,500
TOTAL $4,500
**For additional participants, add $420 per person
Cost breakdown based on up to 10 participants + 2 facilitators trained + 1 Associate Director trained**:
ADRA/AHM $2,500
Conference Office $2,000
Local Church $2,000
TOTAL $6,500
**For additional participants, add $420 per person
Are you ready to give your health and happiness a boost?
The Live More Project brings together scientifically-proven strategies from Neuroscience, Psychology and Lifestyle Medicine into a fun, experiential and life-enhancing program helping people improve their health, happiness and wellbeing around the world.
How does it work?
More than 15 years in the making, the Live More Project is changing lives around the world. Participate with a group (in person or online) and journey together, which is an important aspect of the program’s success.
Once a week you will watch a short presentation that outlines your activities for the week and the science behind them. You can connect to the program, and to your fellow group members, on any web-enabled digital device.
Throughout the week, perform daily challenges which you log in your digital journal and share with your group. This enables you to learn from each other as you share and discuss your challenges.
Before and after the ten week program, you will complete the 7 Dimensions of Wellness questionnaire, which maps your wellness indicators through the programme. On completion, you will be able to objectively qualify any improvements in health and happiness.
What’s in the programme?
Your Limbo Is Listening
Motion Creates Emotion
Blue & Green Should Often Be Seen
Together Feels Better
Feelings Follow Your Focus
Food Feeds Your Mood
Rest To Feel Your Best
Stress Less
Giving Is Living
What Does It Take To Flourish?
CTP in Action
Our amazing community champions are making a real difference in the lives of others. Check out some of the stories from our projects below:
Still have questions?
We’re here to help! You can get in contact with ADRA by calling 0800 499 911, or emailing [email protected] at any time.
Apply Now
Before applying, we would encourage you to thoroughly think through your communities needs and your churches volunteer and resource capacity to ensure you are best meeting the needs of others. We have a handbook and other resources available for you to view to help guide you through the application process.
When you’re ready, download the application form, fill it in and send it through to our programme manager, Sally Lavea: [email protected].
After submitting your details, an ADRA team rep will be in touch with you about your next steps. Thanks for applying!
We have a range of resources available to help you as a Champion in your community! If there is anything you need specifically, please feel free to fill in our contact form below.
Application Resources
In 2021 we hosted our first Champions Conference in partnership with NZPUC. We have a range of resources and videos from the conference we have available to share. View and download by clicking the button below.
Monthly Zoom Meetings
Each month our Champions network meets over Zoom to share, encourage one another and learn how to best serve their communities. Contact [email protected] for the invite link and check out the videos available below.
Further Support
For any further questions or support, please fill in the contact form below and an ADRA team member will be in touch with you.
Funding Partners
Our work wouldn’t be possible without the support of our amazing partners and funders. A big thank you to the following organisations: