Partnering for Impact
Our Journey to SHAPE
Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi; Engari, he toa takitini.
My successes are not mine alone, they are ours; the greatest success we will have are from working together. – Maori Whakatauki.
In 2021, ADRA started a partnership with the New Zealand government’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) to implement development projects across four countries across the Pacific and South east Asia.
This five year project is helping families overcome poverty in Myanmar, Timor-Leste, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea. The focus of our work is Sustainable Health, Agriculture, Protection and Empowerment (SHAPE).
Through this project we aim to:
- Achieve sustained impact for the most vulnerable and marginalised.
- Increase the voice and self-reliance of local partners and communities through shared capability and an inclusive approach.
- Enable greater efficiency, effectiveness and predictability in our engagement and funding cycles.
- Contribute to achieving New Zealand’s commitments within the International Cooperation for Effective Sustainable Development policy statement.
- Increase New Zealand public awareness, engagement and support for New Zealand’s overseas development efforts and approaches.
- Better leverage each other’s resources, expertise, networks, and influence.
ADRA, with the support of our in-country partners will deliver this project and will provide 25% of all funding through our fundraising and supporter network. The New Zealand government will provide the remaining funds to implement the project.
Our partnership is underpinned by six shared valued that permeate our work:






We’re working with farmers in Myanmar to grow their harvest through sustainable farming, home gardens and increasing income for their families.
We’re working in Papua New Guinea to empower women, children and men through education; improving literacy and improving health through agricultural skills and access to clean water and sanitation facilities.
We work alongside farming communities in Timor-Leste to help strengthen their business and agricultural skills. Our project helps improve income, food security, and overall well-being for families.
We’re working in Vanuatu to access of communities including people with disabilities with to safe and clean water, sanitation and hygiene facilities and to improve income and food security.