Ravi (22) has spent most of her working life in a garment factory. She lives at home with her parents and two brothers. While Ravi, her brothers and father were out working long hours, her mother was looking after the family farm and taking care of any household chores, including cleaning, getting water and providing food for the family.
Ravi was involved in an ADRA project where she participated in a 5 month training course to become a seamstress. At the end of her training she received her very own sewing machine. She also participated in business and budgeting training designed to help her set up her own clothes-making business.
Ravi was able to leave her job in the garment factory and run her own business making clothes to sell at the market, as well as doing alterations and making school uniforms. Ravi now has the independence of her own business, she is able to work less hours, earn more income and expand her business through teaching others.
What Ravi is most excited about is that she is now able to help her mother with all the household chores. She has shared, “Life is better because [previously] I had to farm with my mother and go to work at the factory. Now I can live at home with my mother and help her. And I am happy.”
*Name and image have been changed to protect identity.