Church Partnerships
Your Church & ADRA
We're stronger together.
“Together, let’s do more to make a bigger impact in our communities! At ADRA we want to embark on a partnership journey with your church to strengthen the amazing work you are doing in your local communities.
We have a range of initiatives available and recognize that there are a range of different needs and gifts in each of our unique churches and want to find a way to work with yours.
We’ve listed all opportunities below but want to encourage you to please reach out if you have any questions, we can also tailor-make a programme that works for you.”
Ngā Mihi nui (with thanks) and Blessings,
– Keryn McCutcheon (Chief Executive Officer)
What's coming up?
Disaster-ready Churches Workshop
Register for a free 2-day workshop to prepare you and your church to respond to local disasters.
Concert for Change
Save the date: 29th July! We’re hosting our first fundraising concert in Auckland. Support local SDA talent and raise funds to make a meaningful impact.
Active August
Lace up your running shoes and move to end poverty. Get your church and health ministries team to join this great initiative.
Available Initiatives
There’s a variety of ways your church can partner with ADRA! We want to find a way that works for you and encourage you to read some of the options below (you can engage in multiple initiatives!)
If there is something outside of the options listed below that your church would like to do, we still want to support you! Please contact our team if you would like anything tailor-made to suit the needs and gifting of your church.
We provide funding, resources and support for churches who want to run a project in their local community.
We call this programme our Community Transformation Partnerships (CTP for short). Your church can run an off-the-shelf programme which we have on offer or create your own programme that serves a community need.
We have more detailed information and application forms available here.
God has given us all unique gifts that allow us to serve in beautifully different ways. We want to equip all church members with the knowledge, tools, and best practices to make a positive impact in the world.
We host monthly Champion Zoom meetings on the last Sunday of each month, open to all. This is an opportunity for people to network and learn. If you are interested in joining, please contact our team and we will send you the link.
We also host, in partnership with NZPUC, an annual Champions Conference weekend. During this weekend we offer a wide range of workshops designed to inspire and equip people to best serve in a local capacity. The next Champions Conference will be held in 2024.
In May 2023, we are hosting Disaster-ready Churches workshops. You and your church members can attend for free and learn how to best respond during a local disaster. Register and learn more here.
There are a range of different fundraising opportunities your church can engage in! Fundraising brings people together to work towards a common goal. Like us, you believe that all people in serving humanity so ALL may live as God intended – a life free from poverty and injustice.
Every fundraiser supports our life-changing projects that help families break the cycle of poverty and live thriving lives. Your church can help us collectively work towards this mission of a transformed world.
There are a range of activities your church can be involved in:
Active August
Get your church active during August by walking and raising funds for children, women and men who walk each day to access basics like water, food and healthcare.
Annual Appeal
Every year in October we have our Annual Appeal, our biggest fundraiser and we ask for your churches support to raise funds for our international projects. We will send you resources and ask you to share announcements/photos/videos with your church during October.
Christmas Tree
You are invited to host a Christmas tree in your church; to bring hope to families who are without this Christmas. A range of gifts are available that will suit every family’s pocket and passion. Each gift purchased will provide tools and training to people living in poverty and hardship. Sign your church up to receive a special Christmas Tree pack.
Disaster Offering
The Pacific region is vulnerable to disasters over the summer season. To ensure ADRA is always ready and always there to respond, we collect a special offering in all churches in February. Closer to the offering date, we’ll share resources so your church can fully engage in this vital work.
Your own Fundraising Activity
Fundriaisng possibilities are endless! Trivia nights, bake sales, car washes, and whatever creative ideas you can think of. If your church is interested in fundraising and would like resources, stories, or support, please contact our team at any time.
An ADRA Connections experience is a life-changing opportunity to travel to ADRA’s projects around the globe and experience first-hand the vitally important development work that ADRA does.
You can sign up your youth group or church group to go on an amazing experience.
The difference we can make
Together, we believe we can make an amazing difference in the lives of others. Let’s be the Church through serving others and bringing hope, help and healing when it’s needed most.