More than anything else, Sarmouen wants his boys to finish school. Like you and me, he understands that education is the key to a brighter future, and he was determined to give his children access to this better life he dreamed of.
Sarmouen was filled with pride the first time he saw his eldest son in his school uniform. His dream was being realised every day that his son was in school. Every day was a day closer to a life free from poverty. Your gift today can provide vulnerable people like Sarmouen hope for a brighter future!

To his sons, Sarmouen is a hero! Sarmouen has two sons, Ra (9), and Satape (3), who love and admire their dad. However, they are still too young to realise how hard their father works, how tired he is after a long day in the field, and how much pain he is in while working.
A lot of families living in Sarmouen’s community in Cambodia have the same dream for their own children, to finish school and gain access to a brighter future. For families in poverty, education opens doors that lead to better job opportunities, a higher income, and a life free from poverty!
This dream was almost lost in an instant when Sarmouen was in a life-changing motorcycle accident. He had been transporting his crops to sell at the local market when he collided with an oncoming car. His left leg was badly injured.
Already in poverty, the family could not afford to send him to a hospital to recover. Instead he returned home with medicine to manage the pain of an untreated broken leg…
Sarmouen felt sick with worry.
What would happen if he couldn’t walk again? Who would look after the farm? How would the family make an income? How could he afford to send his sons to school?
Can you imagine how Sarmouen must have been feeling?
Because he could not afford to go to hospital, his leg never healed properly. To this day, he is still in pain every time he walks. He cannot work long hours like he used to. He couldn’t plant or harvest as much as he could before the accident and wasn’t able to make as much income for his family.
Through our generous donors and ADRA’s ongoing work in Cambodia, ADRA provided Sarmouen with tools and training so that he could earn a better income!
He received seeds, fertilizer, and tools. His crops were more profitable at the market and he was able to earn a better income without overworking his leg.
Sarmouen was the very first person in his community to try growing the new crops and once his community saw the profit he was making, they were inspired to do the same. Now Sarmouen is once again hopeful about the future of his sons.
Thank you for making this possible, thank you for helping to keep young children in school, and breaking cycles of poverty for families.
If you would like to help more families that haven’t yet received this amazing gift, you can donate today.