Pro-Market Project
Sustainable Produce to Market Value Chain Enhancement Project
Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in Asia. 90% of the country’s most impoverished population live in rural areas and are dependent on agriculture as a means of both food and income. Competition from imported produce, weak value chains and low producer capacity are constraints to profitable production for families living in the Pursat Province.
This project will support farmers in the Pursat Province through providing agricultural and business training. Farmers will work together in producer groups to have higher negotiation power within the market while also improving value chain coordination and increasing the value of produce. Together, these activities will grow the income and economic resilience of farmers, strengthen the rural economy and reduce poverty.
This project is a part of the NZ Government match scheme in which ADRA contribute 25% for projects in Asia. This means your donation is multiplied by 4 – For every dollar you give, the government will match x 4 e.g. $1 x 4 = $4 total contribution towards this project.
To help ADRA with this contribution please click on the donate button above.
Project Cost: $2,938,978
Project Length: 2018-2024
COVID-19 Response
In response to COVID-19, ADRA implemented activities that reflected the needs of the people we are serving through the Pro-Market project.
We provided Personal Protective Equipment and sanitizer to health care workers in clinical settings where there is a lack of supplies.
Our local Cambodia team also assessed the short-term and long-term impacts of COVID-19 on food security and economic impact.
Through these assessments they identified vulnerable families facing a loss of labour, livelihoods, and a shortage of food supplies.
Our immediate response has been increasing COVID-19 awareness and prevention measures through community education campaigns. We have also provided food supplies to the most vulnerable families.
We are continuing to implement our Pro-Market project and help more families overcome poverty.
Bopha's Story
“My biggest challenge in life is providing food for my family”, shares Bopha Sun, a 34 year old mother of three living in Pursat Province.
Bopha makes an income mainly through harvesting rice. During the dry season her husband migrates to Thailand in search of short-term income-generating activities. Both Bopha and her husband have tried really hard to make ends meet and provide for their children.
Through a similar ADRA project, Bopha learnt new harvesting techniques which helped her increase the yield and quality of rice for sale. She also learnt finance and literacy skills needed to maintain a sustainable and profitable business model. Bopha now has greater confidence, and access to more income. Together with her husband, she feels better equipped to support the family.
“I feel very confident I can do anything I want to do,” says Bopha.